Thursday, September 1, 2011


Hi. My name is Todd. I want to first start out and say that I am not a fancy writer nor am I a writer for that fact. I am a regular person who has something to say to the world. Please forgive my writing technique. I'm the type of person that learns as he progresses through life. I think that being honest and open will help people to understand me. I also want to say that it is intimidating seeing all the professional blogs, the designs, the layout and the fancy writing. So, I am going to just be me and I will learn blogging one step at a time.

I will use part of my blog for business and part of it for therapeutic reasons. I hope to encourage people who may have issues that they are going through in life and need to read a good word or two. I am going to talk about all the things that I have been through in my life. Well, I hope to get enough courage to talk about the things in my life the good and the bad. Honestly it is a scary thought to let people in my life and to speak about my life. I've always been a private, shy and quiet type of person.

I started an online business due to the fact that I am unemployed and I can't find a job. The economy is rough. I have never experienced so much drama with this economy. I'll leave that subject alone and just focus on moving forward in my life. Anyway, I should say that my best friend helped me start my online business. I have discovered the true friends from the fake friends. In spite of that, I threw myself in the water to either sink or swim with my webstore. I don't believe in giving up. I think that one fails if they don't try in life. You have to go after your dreams. I don't believe that someone is going to hand you your dreams.  I am doing everything that I can to make this business successful. I'm doing the full day to day operation of the business. The process has been slow, but I believe that I am still learning even when I don't think that I am learning. I am new to social media, search engines, blogs etc.

In addition, I feel like I've been teleported from 1999 when basically the new concept for me was emailing. Fast forward 12 years later and I am introduced to texting, social media, articles, blogs, affiliate linking and a host of other internet marketing frenzy techniques. I'm actually proud of myself for trying to learn all of these internet marketing techniques. I'm not perfect and I definitely have more to learn before I am a proficient person at internet marketing. I hope to bring some people along with me on my journey to success. I am going to learn and take it all step-by-step. I will make mistakes, but mistakes are a part of life. I'm sure that I will learn from my mistakes. I do have faith in God and hopefully, He'll steer me in the right direction.

I've been through a lot and I am trying to regain my life and get myself back on track.  Life is a journey. I've been on some high points, low points and down right scary points in my life journey. I'm a passionate person and I write from my heart. I never had a mentor in my life, so I had to teach myself different things and I still have to teach myself some things about life. I used to think that I was dyslexic, but then, I realized that I am just a slow learner. But, once I get the concept of something I have it mastered.

On to the business aspect of my blog. I did try my hand at writing two articles to help boost traffic for my webstore. "The Sun Will Shine In Your Life, After You Pass Through The Storm" and "Words of Encouragement in Starting Your Own Internet Business."  I have joined affiliate programs to also help boost traffic to my webstore and help with achieving my goals for my business. I hope that if you can't find what you are looking for from my webstore that you will go to the affiliates that I am linked to and buy from them to help me out. I am somewhat of an avid reader. I know that I get reading from my mother, the lady is like a library.

Anyway, I will discuss the books that I like and why I like them or how they have helped me out.  Personally, I like Self Help books and anything that will uplift me and make me stronger. I have read a lot of books by Dr. Wayne Dyer. I was at a crossroad in my life when I was tired of people pulling my strings. I was tired of not thinking for myself and being mentally pushed around in my life and Dr. Dyer's books really put a lot of things into perspective for me. I have the books that I've read over the years listed in my webstore. I will discuss the different books that have helped me through the years.  Hopefully, I can encourage someone with these books. I hope to build a community of followers who enjoy my content and also help me to achieve success with my business.

Finally, I understand what the word niche means, but I never fully understood the concept until I started reading different business books. I think that my webstore is the starting point for me, but the more that I read and understand about Niche Marketing, I will move towards promoting the things that I love.  I love to listen to music, read, dance and watch movies. But, I get full enjoyment when I have the chance to encourage people.

So please be patient with me and I hope that you enjoy my blog content.

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