Tuesday, September 27, 2011

There's A Spiritual Solution To Every Problem by Dr. Wayne Dyer

There's A Spiritual Solution To Every Problem

As usual, I will start out my post by saying that I am not a fancy writer, so please bear with how I organize my thoughts and my writing technique. I have a voice and I want to spread it to the world. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to write.

"You must learn to increase your energy vibrations from the low range of anger, bitterness, and resentment to the higher ranges of kindness, love and forgiveness. The moment that you no longer react with that low energy, the illusion of your problem will disappear. p.86 There's A Spiritual Solution To Every Problem by Dr. Wayne Dyer

List of Energy Attributes

There's A Spiritual Solution To Every Problem is my favorite book by Dr. Wayne Dyer. I related completely with this book due to my upbringing. After reading this book, I began looking at my spiritual life from a different perspective. I had a new revelation that my problems had a solution and the solution was to increase my energy level. Therefore, there was a solution to my perceived problems in my life.

Nevertheless, I never thought about high/low energy being a factor in my life. What in the world was faster/higher energy? I had no clue to this concept before I began reading There's A Spiritual Solution To Every Problem. I had no idea that my energy level was a contributing factor to why my life was not on track at the time. I was coming from the low end of the energy spectrum and it showed in my daily life. I was very nice, considerate and had all the attributes of a loving person to other people. But, I wasn't that way towards myself. I had low self confidence. I didn't know that my low energy was a cause for my low self confidence and another cause for my mental stagnation.

Moreover, I wasn't utilizing the positive energy that resided in me. I was on auto pilot. The moment that I discovered what positive, upbeat energy could do for my life, I began to a change my attitude. I learned that to a degree, I had control over my thoughts and energy. I didn't have to stay shy and quiet and reserved. I could be joyful and happy. I was so scared to let these joyful emotions out. I don't know why I was so quiet and reserved. Was it fear?

In my opinion, fear is the worst type of energy that one can have in their life. For the most part, fear can mentally debilitate you. I know that's what fear did for me. I was frozen in my mind and therefore my energy was frozen at that low point. Joy and peace was inside of me and waiting to come forth and to show me a different life. Therefore, I tried to implement my top five energy attributes daily into my life. After learning about having high energy and the effect that it can have on my life, I began to hold my ground and not let anything puncture my high energy space. In essence, Love, Joy, Peace, Patience and Kindness was the inward energy that was laying dormant and waiting for activation. I know that some people are born with these high attributes from birth and some people have to work at getting these attributes to a high level.

Learning how to vibrate these five attributes was a task that I was ready for at that particular moment in my life. One thing that I did to make sure that my energy level us up for the day, I began writing positive affirmations on notecards. I read these notecards until I was energized for the day. As some people need coffee to get them energized, I needed those affirmation notecards to keep my energy level up. I wrote those affirmations on my notecards back in 2003 and I still have them to this day for reference. I am so happy that I wrote those affirmations and recited them daily in my life. My affirmation cards help remind me how far that I've come in the past eight years. Although true, I still have my moments where I have low energy, but I know that I can change my energy level at the same time. My journey to encouragement is a road that I am still traveling.

There is a spiritual solution to your problems. You just have to open your heart and receive the solution. The solution comes in many forms. Your energy level plays a big role in receiving the solution to your problems. I know that I have to constantly remind myself that problems are only for a season. I have to hold on and center myself around Love, Joy, Peace, Patience and Kindness all of these positive life affirming attributes.

In conclusion, You can read more about There's A Spiritual Solution To Every Problem over at my website under Self Help books. Thank you for taking the time to read this post and I hope that whomever has read this post was encouraged by what I had to say today. :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Manifest Your Destiny

Manifest Your Destiny by Dr. Wayne Dyer

As usual, I will start out my post by saying that I am not a fancy writer, so please bear with how I organize my thoughts and my writing technique. I have a voice and I want to spread it to the world. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to write.

"As we think, so shall we be. If you are using your mind to think about what is wrong and what is lacking, this is precisely what will manifest for you. Your inner world is the source of what you manifest. Finding fault rather than being grateful & being a love finder guarantees that you will not be able to participate in the co-creation of your life & the fulfillment of your desires. p.191 Manifest Your Destiny by Dr. Wayne Dyer

To begin with, finding out that I am the source of what will manifest in my life made me take a long hard look at what I was thinking about in my mind. If your inner dialogue is negative, then negativity will manifest in your world. I think a lot of my unhappiness revolved around having a negative inner dialogue. I wasn't using my energy to manifest the true possibilities in my life. I thought about what was wrong in my life and that kept me mentally trapped in my inner world.

I can't believe how true those words from Manifest Your Destiny were for me in regards to my thought process and in turn manifesting not so good results for my life. I was continually going around the mountain. I wasn't overtly pessimistic, but I wasn't overtly optimistic either in my life. My inner world was made up of a continual rumination of all the wrong that I thought was done to me in the past. I wasn't thinking about positive thoughts for my present and future when I first started reading Manifest Your Destiny. It is so crazy how we can get so caught up in our mind with the negatives that have happened to us, instead of letting go of the past and to start thinking of the beauty that we have in our life today. Manifestation of a positive life really does come from your inner dialogue. The thoughts that you carry around inside of you will eventually come to past whether good or bad.

Furthermore, I thought to myself that I truly can have anything that I want for my life within reason. I began replacing the negative affirmations that I carried around in my mind with new positive affirmations. It is a process to dig out the negative and start replacing your inner world with positive affirmations in your life. The observer inside of me was so used to going along with the woes of the world and in turn those woes manifested in my life. I told myself that I had to start having a brighter outlook on life. Moreover, I managed to change my way of thinking for the most part. Nope it wasn't easy and I still have my days where I don't take control of my thoughts, but the good thing is that I am aware of my thinking pattern.

In essence, positivity thrives on love, joy, contentment and peace. Once you are in that state of awareness, life has a way of opening its doors for you.
Reaching this higher state of awareness requires some energy. I was definitely ready for the challenge because I was tired of not seeing the beauty manifest in my life. I was ready to take on this higher way of thinking and my results were pretty good.

As I've stated in my previous post, new doors began to open for me. I was able to start seeing the bright side of my life. The feeling was so good. I wanted to continue this good feeling, so I started to utilize my smile. I've always been told that I have a nice smile. I began smiling at everyone and my mood began to change throughout my day. Smiling certainly has helped me in my personal journey to encouragement.

Above all, I had to break out of my mental comfort zone and try new avenues in my life. I've experienced some great change in my life. Although true, I still have my ups and downs, which is a normal part of life. For the most part, I am remaining positive despite minor setbacks.

In short, I hope that someone has been encouraged to manifest positivity in their life and to also realize that change is good. If you would like to read other books that I've read in my personal journey to encouragement, please visit my website. Have a great day. :)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

You'll See It When You Believe It Dr. Wayne Dyer

As usual, I will start out my post by saying that I am not a fancy writer, so please bear with how I organize my thoughts and my writing technique. I have a voice and I want to spread it to the world. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to write.

"When someone acts in a way you find disagreeable, understand that your hurt, anger, fear or any strong emotion is how you have chosen to process that person's behavior. If you are unable or unwilling to notice that emotion and subsequently let go of it, then it is yourself that is in need of attention. That person's behavior has collided with something unfinished or unacknowledged in your life. Distress at the person's behavior is your way of avoiding something inside of you." p. 267 You'll See It When You Believe It Dr. Wayne Dyer

My journey to encouragement has been an adventure. The last sentence quoted from Dr. Dyer's book, You'll See It When You Believe It really hit home for me when I read this for the first time back in 2003. I didn't know what was unfinished inside of me, which could have caused the distress that I felt by my peers behavior towards me. I used to feel rejection if someone's behavior towards me was not kind in my eyes. I felt like a little child bottled up with fear. I would shut down. I didn't know how to channel my fears? On the outside, I was this grown adult, but on the inside I was this scared little boy. I felt like I was constantly watching my back with all of the fears that I had in my life. As a result, I was definitely avoiding something inside of me when I felt rejected by people.

Moreover, I never voiced any perceived hurt that I felt by anyone who rejected me. I just internalized everything and just kept it bottled up inside. I chose to process this hurt in my own way and that was to internalize what I thought was done wrong to me. Yes, I was in need of attention to be validated for the past hurts that happened in my past. I went into protection mode by shutting down and trying to figure out what I could've done to get the result that I was looking for by my perceived misconception of the person who I thought rejected me. Why was I unable to let go of my perceived rejection? I was looking for their approval, their validation, their acceptance of me. I was looking for something that I never received as a kid. My mother was great, but I never received the acceptance and validation from my father. I was trying to get validation from everyone because I was trying to fill that void in my life that I felt wasn't fulfilled by my father.

Yes, the attention that I was looking for was attention that I was looking for from my father. I felt unworthy when I wasn't accepted by my peers. I chose to process these hurts by not opening my mouth. Although true, as I look back on my life, I can see where this affected my life. I had little social skills due to bottling up my emotions. It was like being frozen mentally in my mind. My soul was trapped and unfulfilled because I had all of this gook that was stifling me. I wasn't able to see past all of the haze. I hadn't found myself. I hadn't known any other way to act. I didn't know how to process my life. I've spent so much time in shut down mode. Furthermore, I look back and wonder if shutting down was a reason why I pushed people away? Was that the reason why I could never find any fun in my life? I could never let people see me smile or give any indication that I was enjoying myself. If you were hurt in your past and you don't forgive and let go of the hurts, then you will carry some bad emotions around and they can possibly affect your life. Eventually, you have to find an outlet to let go of those emotions so that you can heal.

In spite of that, I had to go on a journey to get to the bottom of a few issues in my life. I was ready to be free. I was so tired of being a doormat. I was tired of feeling rejected. I wanted to know what it felt like to be strong and have self confidence and to feel good. I put into practice what I was reading in You'll See It When You Believe It and all of the other books that I've read and discussed thus far in previous post. I made note cards of all the phrases that touched a nerve in my soul. I wrote them down and I would read them everyday, until I felt like I had filled myself up with positivity and tools to combat the world. I had to learn to just let things go and not let them bother me. Trust me it was a hard process to change my thought pattern. Although true, I began to change my life. I'm not saying anything was a quick fix, but the new skills that I was learning helped bring me out of my shell.

In conclusion, I will always be on my journey to encouragement path. I am a W.I.P( Work In Progress). I can accept that I am W.I.P, because change is a part of life. I hope that someone has been encouraged by my post today. You'll see the change in your life when you believe that you can change your life. I hope that you find new skills that will help you on your journey to encouragement. :)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Your Erroneous Zones by Dr. Wayne Dyer

Your Erroneous Zones by Dr. Wayne Dyer

As usual, I will start out my post by saying that I am not a fancy writer, so please bear with how I organize my thoughts and my writing technique. I have a voice and I want to spread it to the world. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to write.

Top five reason why I don't need approval from people:

1.) I'm an individual and I don't need validation from people.

2.) I'm a loving person.

3.) It's my life

4.) I'm special in my own unique way.

5.) I can't change what goes on in a persons head and I can't change the thoughts that a person has about me.

Your Erroneous Zones by Dr. Wayne Dyer p. 83 "Of course you will never get approval from everyone for everything that you do, but when you see yourself as worthy you'll never be depressed when approval is withheld. Disapproval will be viewed by you as the natural consequences of living on this planet where people are individual in their perceptions."

After reading this quote from Dr. Dyer's book, another revelation went off in my mind. The revelation was that I didn't need approval from my peers and thinking that I needed approval from my peers was ridiculous. My worthiness didn't depend on my peers. My worthiness depends on myself. Why am I going to torture myself because I am looking for my peers approval? I wished that I realized this new found revelation when I was growing up. Although true, maybe it was all a part of my personal journey to encouragement and that is why I had to take the long road of approving myself? I could go on and on until the end of time trying to figure out why I needed approval in my life? I would never have progressed in my life if I kept trying to get approval from my peers.

Nevertheless, before reading Dr Dyer's book, I didn't know of any tools that I could have applied to stop the rejection that I had felt when I didn't feel approved of by my peers. I had to apply the skills that I was learning from Dr. Dyer's book. I also told myself that I am an individual and I don't need validation from people. I started thinking and acting in loving ways towards myself. I began to realize that it was my life and my approval was all that mattered in regards to my life. Furthermore, I began believing that I was unique in my own individual way. All of us are different and that is the beauty of being an individual. Realizing that I couldn't change my peers thoughts and opinions about me was a freeing experience in my mind. I used to do everything that I could to make myself less and my peers more in my eyes, because their approval was what counted at the time.

Moreover, I wasn't enjoying my life to the fullest due to the fact that I was trapped in a world of approval addiction. I had to break free of the humdrum that I was living in and learn that there was a world with a purpose for me to fulfill. My world opened up once I let go of my approval addiction. I wish that I grew up with all of the positive traits that I was beginning to discover in the Self Help books that I was reading. I was entering a new phase in my life. The door was opening up and I was walking into unfamiliar territories of positivity. My mind wanted to go forward but there were the times that my mind pushed me back behind the door. I was overjoyed with the concept that I could be different and that I could free myself from approval addictions.

In conclusion, breaking down my approval addictions helped release other fears that I carried around in my life. I will discuss those other fears in future posts.You can visit the other Self Help books that I read to help me on my personal journey to encouragement. I truly hope that someone received a bit of encouragement. You too can free yourself from your approval addictions.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Real Magic by Dr. Wayne Dyer

Real Magic by Dr. Wayne Dyer 

As usual, I will start out my post by saying that I am not a fancy writer, so please bear with how I organize my thoughts and my writing technique. I have a voice and I want to spread it to the world. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to write.

Confidence comes from within yourself.  Life has so much complexity to it and for some people it takes time to discover the real you.  Real Magic by Dr. Wayne Dyer  p. 218 "In fact, such a change in your personality to become more outspoken, confident, loving, gentle or anything else might be the very miracle that you seek."

Miracles come in all shapes and sizes. The miracle that you seek will come to you when you are ready to receive that miracle. At the time when I read that quote from Dr. Dyer's book Real Magic, my confidence was low.  I never gave any significance to the word confidence. Confidence was a foreign word and feeling to me.  I only existed in this earth and my mind was on auto pilot.  I was living without a purpose or any direction in my life. I let people dictate how I felt. I wanted acceptance. I didn't know that I was suffering while trying to find acceptance.  I tried so hard to fit in with my peers, but it seemed like the harder that I tried, the further I pushed myself into a mental box.  I was living inside a mental box all along and didn't know how to get out of that mental box.  I was so afraid to move outside of that mental box in fear that I was going to get hurt or embarrassed.  I was afraid to show my true personality in any social situation.  As I stated in my earlier posts, I was extremely shy.  My confidence level was low, so how could I move out of that mental box or show my true personality?  At the time, I didn't know that I built a mental box. I was existing to the best of my ability. I pushed all of my feelings aside to please the people around me, because I didn't have any confidence to be myself. I was looking for a miracle to make me stronger and all along it resided right inside of me.  Confidence.

In addition, I was always looking for people to validate me.  I desperately wanted acceptance to laugh and fit in with my peers.  I was scared to be myself. I was scared to show emotions, such as laughter. I was always serious and diligent.  I think being so serious was my way of masking the hurt that I was feeling in my life?  No one was going to validate me or give me my confidence, because validation and confidence are  internal.  I had to stop waiting for people to accept me. I had to accept myself and love myself.

In my mind, I was this flesh and blood human creature existing from day to day.  I didn't realize that my human dynamics had more complexity to it such as a mind, soul and spirit.  All of those dynamics were turned off and I wasn't ready to discover any different way of thinking for myself.  I think that when you get to a place in your life to step out of your self imposed box and explore the universe around you, you will be ready in that time. My time had arrived when I discovered Self Help books.  I was ready to find the miracle of confidence that already existed inside of me.  I had to learn how to tap into that rich resource of confidence and live my life in a different way that truly reflected the strong person that was living inside of me.  I built a mental box to protect myself and I didn't realize that I closed myself off from the world. A whole new world was waiting for me by tapping into my confidence.  No, I didn't instantly have this tremendous feeling to throw the mental box away.  I still had a long ways to go before I started to mentally open up and leave behind my mental box.

Moreover, I had to start searching out who I was in this life.  I felt inspired with the Self Help books that I began reading.  I gained new revelations with each book and I was elevated mentally to a higher ground in my life. It still took me years to get to a point in my life where I started to let my confidence flow. Although true, I still go back and forth with the confidence issue, but I am in such a different atmosphere then where I was seven plus years ago.  I have my ups and downs just like everyone else. I am human. One has to be ready to accept the good and the bad about themselves as they go through their own journey in life.  I think that life is complicated for some people and you just have to roll with the cards that have been dealt to you. You have to figure out that balance/medium that is going to give you a significant purpose in your life. You have to be ready to dig beyond the surface of yourself and dig deep until you find the root to whatever is causing you to feel a certain way or act in a certain way. I was ready to dig and find my confidence.

In conclusion, I will continue to discuss the Self Help books that have helped me in my personal journey. You can check out the books that I've read at my website.  I hope that I've encouraged someone today. :)

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Your Sacred Self by Dr. Wayne Dyer

I will start out my post by saying that I am not a fancy writer, so please bear with how I organize my thoughts and my writing technique. I have a voice and I want to spread it to the world. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to write.

Your Sacred Self  by Dr. Wayne Dyer p. 317 "What you think about expands into action. The more conscious you become of the ways you use your mind, the more you will be able to leave behind toxic ways of thinking. When you know that your thoughts expand into action, you become very careful about what you think because you know that your thoughts literally poison your life."

I had a problem of using my mind to dwell on the negativity in my life. I never understood that dwelling on negativity kept me mentally in a place of fear.  My moods were a manifestation of exactly what was going on in my head. Moreover, I didn't know that I was mentally on auto pilot?  I was being the best me that I knew at the time.  Therefore, I was just existing and not realizing that there was more to life than the personal mental prison that held me captive. Mind you, I didn't know that I was in a mental prison with my thoughts that led to my insecure actions.

On the contrary, changing my thought patterns enabled me to focus my attention and slowly crack open my "shy" shell. My shyness made me feel like a loner. I never related with people on a one on one level, because I was so shy. Actually, I should say that it took a long time for me to trust a person long enough to let my guard down. I always had walls that I built around me, due to trust issues and also my shyness issues. I know that I used to think that I was unworthy or I wasn't good enough and that I lacked something? I don't know what I could've lacked? Maybe it was the shyness that filled a void in my life that could've been attributed to my childhood?

In addition, I know that the walls that I built around me drove certain people away. As I said, I thought that I was unworthy and I mentally acted in unworthy ways. I unconsciously sabotaged my interactions with people. The feelings that I had inside of unworthiness must've showed in my attitude and body language? More specifically, the dancers that I interacted with and whom I thought had more confidence pushed me further into my "shy" shell.   I didn't think that I was good enough to be around those people. I never showed emotions while dancing, which is an essential part of portraying a character to the audience. Also, I didn't dance to my fullest potential all due to the negative thoughts that I conjured up in my mind. Truth be told, I was just plain scared of failing or looking bad. I wasn't my sacred self. I was someone else who didn't know how to be himself. I didn't know how to break out of the cycle of shyness? Why was I so afraid? Who really cares what people think!

Your Sacred Self  p. 317, rung a bell for me. I wasn't aware that I should think differently? How was I suppose to know that the thoughts in my mind were causing me to think and act in ways that were mentally unhealthy for me? I was living my life the best way that I knew how up until reading Your Sacred Self. I'm not saying that Your Sacred Self instantly released me from my self-imposed mental prison. The book enlightened me and it sparked yet another fuse in my heart to continue on my self-healing journey. It's so sad that some people don't realize that the thoughts that they think will set the motion of what will happen in their life. I don't necessarily believe that negative thoughts will manifest at that specific time.  But, I do believe that further down the road those negative thoughts will manifest if you don't become conscious of what you are thinking in your mind.

Thank you for letting me express myself today. If you would like to further read my other selected books that I've read on my self-healing journey, please head over to my website. You can check out the books that I read under Self-Help Books. I hope that I've encouraged someone today. :)

Friday, September 2, 2011

Pulling Your Own Strings by Dr. Wayne Dyer

Today, I learned how to make a signature for my blog. As I said before in my earlier post, I am going to learn blogging techniques step-by-step. I am from the old school of email being the rave back in the 1990's. Wow that sounds weird saying 1990. Anyway, I just wanted to share my good news about my signature. Also, I will start out my post by saying that I am not a fancy writer, so please bear with how I organize my thoughts and my writing technique. I have a voice and I want to spread it to the world. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to write.

Pulling Your Own Strings by Dr. Wayne Dyer was the next book that I purchased in 2003. I can't remember exactly how I learned about Dr. Dyer, but I am glad that I became aware of him. I was taking dance classes at the time when I was going through this journey of healing. 2003 was the beginning of Todd(that's me) melting the emotional mess that I was carrying around me.  I always wanted to  entertainment. But, I went to college and received a degree in Finance. I truly went to school to please my parents and partly to know how to manage my finances, once I hit it big in the entertainment field. It's funny how life holds a whole different plan than the plan that you expected. Anyway, I was never truly happy while I was in school, because I wanted to sing or dance. But, I managed to muffle through school and receive my degree in Finance. I think that it was a huge accomplishment and I am happy that I went to school. Knowledge is powerful.

So, I was reading Pulling Your Own Strings by Dr. Dyer and I came across p. 38 "Courage means flying in the face of criticism, relying on yourself, being willing to accept and learn from the consequences of all your choices. It means believing enough in yourself and in living your life as you choose, so that you cut the strings whose ends other people hold and use to pull you in contrary directions." Wow, I had a light turn on in me that said, 'Todd, you don't have to be afraid to go after your dreams.'  You see, I've always been shy and quiet due to my upbringing. I was never the kid who was rambunctious or wild. I always did as I was told. I didn't have any other choice in the matter. Dance was a passion of my mine. I didn't feel accepted by my dance peers, because I am 6'2 and I always felt out of place in class. I was so tired of feeling bad when I went to class. I knew in my heart that I was good, because I was told that and I truly could see that I was good. But, I would still shy away and not perform to my fullest. I was too concerned of what other people thought of me at the time. I never felt a part of the group of dancers.

Nevertheless, after reading that quote by Dr. Dyer. I had a new found friend in myself that started to stick his head out of the "shy" shell that was keeping himself hid. Courage is something that was definitely lacking in my life. Self Confidence was also lacking, so that was the underlying factor of me not having courage. I wasn't ready to accept criticism in my life. I've always been a people pleaser and I didn't like rejection, so how could I accept criticism at the time?  I didn't believe in myself and that was a reason why I didn't accept myself as a dancer. I told myself that I have to work on cutting the strings of people controlling me, which I let determine my outcome. I think that when we are ready to walk a new path in our life it will present itself to us at the right time.

Life is definitely a journey. The revelation that I received from Pulling Your Own Strings by Dr.Dyer opened a door and helped push me in the right direction of healing. I will discuss the other books that I read by Dr. Dyer that helped me on my healing journey later. You can also check out the Self Help books that I've read over the years at my website. I hope that someone received something out of this post. Until next time, I hope that all of you have a blessed day. :)  

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Be The Person You Were Meant To Be by Dr. Jerry Greenwald

The first book that I will discuss today that I've read is called,  Be The Person You Were Meant To Be by Dr. Jerry Greenwald

I was at a crossroad in my life when I read this book back in 2003. I was tired of mentally being pushed around in my life. I've gone through so much stuff just like the next person. I never really had a channel to vent out any of my emotions. I'm the type of person to bottle up my emotions and move on with my life. I got to a point where I couldn't hold this stuff in any longer. I think that I picked this book up from a garage sale? I can't remember? All I know is that I had it in my possession for a reason. I think that things appear to you at the right moment in time if you are willing to receive what is being offered to you.

Anyway, I picked up this book one day and glanced at the title and decided to read a couple of pages. I came across p.11 "What can be even more exhilarating is the discovery that each time he frees himself from any toxic process he liberates an enormous amount of trapped energy which he can now utilize for more creative and gratifying purposes."  I know for myself that I had low self-esteem and by not channeling my energy and relieving myself of those toxic emotions that I was not a complete person. I was running scared mentally in my head. I don't know but something clicked inside of me that I had been hurting for a long time. After reading that sentence, I really plunged myself into this book. I got my highlighter and note cards and I went to town in reading this book.

So, my first thought after reading this book was that I finally am going to free myself of all the pent up emotions that I've bottled up in my life. So, I was on a hunt to find out more about myself after reading this book. I felt my soul opening up from a long sleep and I was ready to accept my journey in discovery myself.  Well, I've opened up about myself today. I hope that whomever has read this post has been encouraged today.  You can find this book and other books at my website under Self-Help Books. Until my next post, I hope that all of you have a wonderful day. :)


Hi. My name is Todd. I want to first start out and say that I am not a fancy writer nor am I a writer for that fact. I am a regular person who has something to say to the world. Please forgive my writing technique. I'm the type of person that learns as he progresses through life. I think that being honest and open will help people to understand me. I also want to say that it is intimidating seeing all the professional blogs, the designs, the layout and the fancy writing. So, I am going to just be me and I will learn blogging one step at a time.

I will use part of my blog for business and part of it for therapeutic reasons. I hope to encourage people who may have issues that they are going through in life and need to read a good word or two. I am going to talk about all the things that I have been through in my life. Well, I hope to get enough courage to talk about the things in my life the good and the bad. Honestly it is a scary thought to let people in my life and to speak about my life. I've always been a private, shy and quiet type of person.

I started an online business due to the fact that I am unemployed and I can't find a job. The economy is rough. I have never experienced so much drama with this economy. I'll leave that subject alone and just focus on moving forward in my life. Anyway, I should say that my best friend helped me start my online business. I have discovered the true friends from the fake friends. In spite of that, I threw myself in the water to either sink or swim with my webstore. I don't believe in giving up. I think that one fails if they don't try in life. You have to go after your dreams. I don't believe that someone is going to hand you your dreams.  I am doing everything that I can to make this business successful. I'm doing the full day to day operation of the business. The process has been slow, but I believe that I am still learning even when I don't think that I am learning. I am new to social media, search engines, blogs etc.

In addition, I feel like I've been teleported from 1999 when basically the new concept for me was emailing. Fast forward 12 years later and I am introduced to texting, social media, articles, blogs, affiliate linking and a host of other internet marketing frenzy techniques. I'm actually proud of myself for trying to learn all of these internet marketing techniques. I'm not perfect and I definitely have more to learn before I am a proficient person at internet marketing. I hope to bring some people along with me on my journey to success. I am going to learn and take it all step-by-step. I will make mistakes, but mistakes are a part of life. I'm sure that I will learn from my mistakes. I do have faith in God and hopefully, He'll steer me in the right direction.

I've been through a lot and I am trying to regain my life and get myself back on track.  Life is a journey. I've been on some high points, low points and down right scary points in my life journey. I'm a passionate person and I write from my heart. I never had a mentor in my life, so I had to teach myself different things and I still have to teach myself some things about life. I used to think that I was dyslexic, but then, I realized that I am just a slow learner. But, once I get the concept of something I have it mastered.

On to the business aspect of my blog. I did try my hand at writing two articles to help boost traffic for my webstore. "The Sun Will Shine In Your Life, After You Pass Through The Storm" and "Words of Encouragement in Starting Your Own Internet Business."  I have joined affiliate programs to also help boost traffic to my webstore and help with achieving my goals for my business. I hope that if you can't find what you are looking for from my webstore that you will go to the affiliates that I am linked to and buy from them to help me out. I am somewhat of an avid reader. I know that I get reading from my mother, the lady is like a library.

Anyway, I will discuss the books that I like and why I like them or how they have helped me out.  Personally, I like Self Help books and anything that will uplift me and make me stronger. I have read a lot of books by Dr. Wayne Dyer. I was at a crossroad in my life when I was tired of people pulling my strings. I was tired of not thinking for myself and being mentally pushed around in my life and Dr. Dyer's books really put a lot of things into perspective for me. I have the books that I've read over the years listed in my webstore. I will discuss the different books that have helped me through the years.  Hopefully, I can encourage someone with these books. I hope to build a community of followers who enjoy my content and also help me to achieve success with my business.

Finally, I understand what the word niche means, but I never fully understood the concept until I started reading different business books. I think that my webstore is the starting point for me, but the more that I read and understand about Niche Marketing, I will move towards promoting the things that I love.  I love to listen to music, read, dance and watch movies. But, I get full enjoyment when I have the chance to encourage people.

So please be patient with me and I hope that you enjoy my blog content.