Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Real Magic by Dr. Wayne Dyer

Real Magic by Dr. Wayne Dyer 

As usual, I will start out my post by saying that I am not a fancy writer, so please bear with how I organize my thoughts and my writing technique. I have a voice and I want to spread it to the world. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to write.

Confidence comes from within yourself.  Life has so much complexity to it and for some people it takes time to discover the real you.  Real Magic by Dr. Wayne Dyer  p. 218 "In fact, such a change in your personality to become more outspoken, confident, loving, gentle or anything else might be the very miracle that you seek."

Miracles come in all shapes and sizes. The miracle that you seek will come to you when you are ready to receive that miracle. At the time when I read that quote from Dr. Dyer's book Real Magic, my confidence was low.  I never gave any significance to the word confidence. Confidence was a foreign word and feeling to me.  I only existed in this earth and my mind was on auto pilot.  I was living without a purpose or any direction in my life. I let people dictate how I felt. I wanted acceptance. I didn't know that I was suffering while trying to find acceptance.  I tried so hard to fit in with my peers, but it seemed like the harder that I tried, the further I pushed myself into a mental box.  I was living inside a mental box all along and didn't know how to get out of that mental box.  I was so afraid to move outside of that mental box in fear that I was going to get hurt or embarrassed.  I was afraid to show my true personality in any social situation.  As I stated in my earlier posts, I was extremely shy.  My confidence level was low, so how could I move out of that mental box or show my true personality?  At the time, I didn't know that I built a mental box. I was existing to the best of my ability. I pushed all of my feelings aside to please the people around me, because I didn't have any confidence to be myself. I was looking for a miracle to make me stronger and all along it resided right inside of me.  Confidence.

In addition, I was always looking for people to validate me.  I desperately wanted acceptance to laugh and fit in with my peers.  I was scared to be myself. I was scared to show emotions, such as laughter. I was always serious and diligent.  I think being so serious was my way of masking the hurt that I was feeling in my life?  No one was going to validate me or give me my confidence, because validation and confidence are  internal.  I had to stop waiting for people to accept me. I had to accept myself and love myself.

In my mind, I was this flesh and blood human creature existing from day to day.  I didn't realize that my human dynamics had more complexity to it such as a mind, soul and spirit.  All of those dynamics were turned off and I wasn't ready to discover any different way of thinking for myself.  I think that when you get to a place in your life to step out of your self imposed box and explore the universe around you, you will be ready in that time. My time had arrived when I discovered Self Help books.  I was ready to find the miracle of confidence that already existed inside of me.  I had to learn how to tap into that rich resource of confidence and live my life in a different way that truly reflected the strong person that was living inside of me.  I built a mental box to protect myself and I didn't realize that I closed myself off from the world. A whole new world was waiting for me by tapping into my confidence.  No, I didn't instantly have this tremendous feeling to throw the mental box away.  I still had a long ways to go before I started to mentally open up and leave behind my mental box.

Moreover, I had to start searching out who I was in this life.  I felt inspired with the Self Help books that I began reading.  I gained new revelations with each book and I was elevated mentally to a higher ground in my life. It still took me years to get to a point in my life where I started to let my confidence flow. Although true, I still go back and forth with the confidence issue, but I am in such a different atmosphere then where I was seven plus years ago.  I have my ups and downs just like everyone else. I am human. One has to be ready to accept the good and the bad about themselves as they go through their own journey in life.  I think that life is complicated for some people and you just have to roll with the cards that have been dealt to you. You have to figure out that balance/medium that is going to give you a significant purpose in your life. You have to be ready to dig beyond the surface of yourself and dig deep until you find the root to whatever is causing you to feel a certain way or act in a certain way. I was ready to dig and find my confidence.

In conclusion, I will continue to discuss the Self Help books that have helped me in my personal journey. You can check out the books that I've read at my website.  I hope that I've encouraged someone today. :)

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