Tuesday, September 27, 2011

There's A Spiritual Solution To Every Problem by Dr. Wayne Dyer

There's A Spiritual Solution To Every Problem

As usual, I will start out my post by saying that I am not a fancy writer, so please bear with how I organize my thoughts and my writing technique. I have a voice and I want to spread it to the world. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to write.

"You must learn to increase your energy vibrations from the low range of anger, bitterness, and resentment to the higher ranges of kindness, love and forgiveness. The moment that you no longer react with that low energy, the illusion of your problem will disappear. p.86 There's A Spiritual Solution To Every Problem by Dr. Wayne Dyer

List of Energy Attributes

There's A Spiritual Solution To Every Problem is my favorite book by Dr. Wayne Dyer. I related completely with this book due to my upbringing. After reading this book, I began looking at my spiritual life from a different perspective. I had a new revelation that my problems had a solution and the solution was to increase my energy level. Therefore, there was a solution to my perceived problems in my life.

Nevertheless, I never thought about high/low energy being a factor in my life. What in the world was faster/higher energy? I had no clue to this concept before I began reading There's A Spiritual Solution To Every Problem. I had no idea that my energy level was a contributing factor to why my life was not on track at the time. I was coming from the low end of the energy spectrum and it showed in my daily life. I was very nice, considerate and had all the attributes of a loving person to other people. But, I wasn't that way towards myself. I had low self confidence. I didn't know that my low energy was a cause for my low self confidence and another cause for my mental stagnation.

Moreover, I wasn't utilizing the positive energy that resided in me. I was on auto pilot. The moment that I discovered what positive, upbeat energy could do for my life, I began to a change my attitude. I learned that to a degree, I had control over my thoughts and energy. I didn't have to stay shy and quiet and reserved. I could be joyful and happy. I was so scared to let these joyful emotions out. I don't know why I was so quiet and reserved. Was it fear?

In my opinion, fear is the worst type of energy that one can have in their life. For the most part, fear can mentally debilitate you. I know that's what fear did for me. I was frozen in my mind and therefore my energy was frozen at that low point. Joy and peace was inside of me and waiting to come forth and to show me a different life. Therefore, I tried to implement my top five energy attributes daily into my life. After learning about having high energy and the effect that it can have on my life, I began to hold my ground and not let anything puncture my high energy space. In essence, Love, Joy, Peace, Patience and Kindness was the inward energy that was laying dormant and waiting for activation. I know that some people are born with these high attributes from birth and some people have to work at getting these attributes to a high level.

Learning how to vibrate these five attributes was a task that I was ready for at that particular moment in my life. One thing that I did to make sure that my energy level us up for the day, I began writing positive affirmations on notecards. I read these notecards until I was energized for the day. As some people need coffee to get them energized, I needed those affirmation notecards to keep my energy level up. I wrote those affirmations on my notecards back in 2003 and I still have them to this day for reference. I am so happy that I wrote those affirmations and recited them daily in my life. My affirmation cards help remind me how far that I've come in the past eight years. Although true, I still have my moments where I have low energy, but I know that I can change my energy level at the same time. My journey to encouragement is a road that I am still traveling.

There is a spiritual solution to your problems. You just have to open your heart and receive the solution. The solution comes in many forms. Your energy level plays a big role in receiving the solution to your problems. I know that I have to constantly remind myself that problems are only for a season. I have to hold on and center myself around Love, Joy, Peace, Patience and Kindness all of these positive life affirming attributes.

In conclusion, You can read more about There's A Spiritual Solution To Every Problem over at my website under Self Help books. Thank you for taking the time to read this post and I hope that whomever has read this post was encouraged by what I had to say today. :)


  1. It is so true, that we are spiritual beings....and we have reactions to "spiritual" concepts of morality, "feelings"...etc. These are some really interesting thoughts presented by Dr. Dyer....he has really recognized where peace comes from.....love, joy, kindness....there is definitely a "reality" to such terms, and a "reality" to how our bodies and spirits react to such terms. Really good post! Thanks for sharing!!

  2. Thank you. Vibrating at these higher energies of love, joy, peace patience and kindness are essential to solving problems once they arise. I know for myself that I have to continue to vibrate these higher energies to keep my spiritual life balanced. I have my good days and bad days. I'm glad that you enjoyed this post. :)
