Manifest Your Destiny by Dr. Wayne Dyer
As usual, I will start out my post by saying that I am not a fancy writer, so please bear with how I organize my thoughts and my writing technique. I have a voice and I want to spread it to the world. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to write.
"As we think, so shall we be. If you are using your mind to think about what is wrong and what is lacking, this is precisely what will manifest for you. Your inner world is the source of what you manifest. Finding fault rather than being grateful & being a love finder guarantees that you will not be able to participate in the co-creation of your life & the fulfillment of your desires. p.191 Manifest Your Destiny by Dr. Wayne Dyer
To begin with, finding out that I am the source of what will manifest in my life made me take a long hard look at what I was thinking about in my mind. If your inner dialogue is negative, then negativity will manifest in your world. I think a lot of my unhappiness revolved around having a negative inner dialogue. I wasn't using my energy to manifest the true possibilities in my life. I thought about what was wrong in my life and that kept me mentally trapped in my inner world.
I can't believe how true those words from Manifest Your Destiny were for me in regards to my thought process and in turn manifesting not so good results for my life. I was continually going around the mountain. I wasn't overtly pessimistic, but I wasn't overtly optimistic either in my life. My inner world was made up of a continual rumination of all the wrong that I thought was done to me in the past. I wasn't thinking about positive thoughts for my present and future when I first started reading Manifest Your Destiny. It is so crazy how we can get so caught up in our mind with the negatives that have happened to us, instead of letting go of the past and to start thinking of the beauty that we have in our life today. Manifestation of a positive life really does come from your inner dialogue. The thoughts that you carry around inside of you will eventually come to past whether good or bad.
Furthermore, I thought to myself that I truly can have anything that I want for my life within reason. I began replacing the negative affirmations that I carried around in my mind with new positive affirmations. It is a process to dig out the negative and start replacing your inner world with positive affirmations in your life. The observer inside of me was so used to going along with the woes of the world and in turn those woes manifested in my life. I told myself that I had to start having a brighter outlook on life. Moreover, I managed to change my way of thinking for the most part. Nope it wasn't easy and I still have my days where I don't take control of my thoughts, but the good thing is that I am aware of my thinking pattern.
In essence, positivity thrives on love, joy, contentment and peace. Once you are in that state of awareness, life has a way of opening its doors for you.
Reaching this higher state of awareness requires some energy. I was definitely ready for the challenge because I was tired of not seeing the beauty manifest in my life. I was ready to take on this higher way of thinking and my results were pretty good.
As I've stated in my previous post, new doors began to open for me. I was able to start seeing the bright side of my life. The feeling was so good. I wanted to continue this good feeling, so I started to utilize my smile. I've always been told that I have a nice smile. I began smiling at everyone and my mood began to change throughout my day. Smiling certainly has helped me in my personal journey to encouragement.
Above all, I had to break out of my mental comfort zone and try new avenues in my life. I've experienced some great change in my life. Although true, I still have my ups and downs, which is a normal part of life. For the most part, I am remaining positive despite minor setbacks.
In short, I hope that someone has been encouraged to manifest positivity in their life and to also realize that change is good. If you would like to read other books that I've read in my personal journey to encouragement, please visit my website. Have a great day. :)
hmmmm nice